Wednesday, March 19, 2008

McCain has the Experience

File this one under s**t I knew in 2004 but an experienced public servant like John McCain still hasn't caught up with.

Briefly, John McCain alleged that Iran was supplying Al Qaeda in Iraq with weapons and training. Unless you're a high-ranking member of the Republican Party, you've probably heard that Al Qaeda is a fundamentalist Sunni organization, and Iran is a fundamentalist Shi'ite state. Barring any Bushism queries like "There's more'n one kinda Mooslam?", you should also know that these two kinds of people have a hard time getting along. To whit, Iran backs Shi'ite groups like Hezbollah and, in Iraq, the Mahdi Army. Al Qaeda, by contrast, likes to blow up Shi'ites. Now, you could say that this was a slip of the tongue, but when somebody makes the same statement repeatedly during an appearance in the Middle East designed to promote his foreign policy expertise, it's hard to justify that excuse.

And of course Lieberman is there for the save:
A few moments later, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, standing just behind McCain, stepped forward and whispered in the presidential candidate's ear. McCain then said: "I'm sorry, the Iranians are training extremists, not al-Qaeda."
I like that Roy Cohn thing he's doing there, whispering in the Man's ear to keep him from stumbling. Maybe if the Democrats win a comfortable senate majority in the upcoming, they'll strike him from the records and leave him to languish on his own--no loyalty = no committee positions for the new Zell Miller.


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Adam said...

My veteran students said that IEDs, etc., come in through Iran, which makes sense, since being a backyard neighbor to a war will necessarily create a black market for ever-more developed arms--and ethnic divisions don't matter to businessmen.

But don't believe this is done from the Iranian government, which energetically supports the Shi'a in Iraq to fight the Sunnis.

With all of those armaments and disorder over there, I don't know why someone would want to go there.