Monday, May 21, 2007


At the University of Iowa, you need 120 credit-hours to graduate. There is also a regulation that says, of those 120, a maximum of 50 can be derived from any one department. I have run up into that barrier with history classes. The field that I have majored it, the only field in which I have genuine, unalloyed interest (I like German, but as sort of an adjunct to my history work), must now stop contributing credits to my graduation.

This is not going to stop me from graduating, and it's not going to stop me from taking history classes. I have 104 credits right now, and of the 15 I'm taking next semester 9 will apply toward my total. Seven non-history credits in Spring 2008 will be a breeze. I am annoyed, however, partially because I can't divine any purpose to this rule. How did they arrive at the figure of 50 credits from any one department? Arbitrarily, I'm certain. I dispute the legitimacy of this number. Fie on it.


Katy Baggs said...

I have 105 credits, oh snap lolz.

Anonymous said...
